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Osborne Engineering, Inc. (OEI) is a healthcare consulting firm located in San Francisco, CA. The firm's clientele include hospitals, long term care centers, clinics, and healthcare delivery systems located throughout the United States and abroad.

Fred J. Osborne, P.E., President
Osborne Engineering, Inc

Benchmarking Databases for all 7 Environment of Care (EC) program areas for different types of healthcare organizations.

Mock Surveys/Technical Reviews of EC Programs identify all program weaknesses and present effective solutions and improvements.

Statement of Conditions (SOC) developed for all applicable types of healthcare facilities based on a comprehensive building inspection conducted by OEI. All SOC documentation can be developed by OEI.

Training/Education Programs
conducted by OEI and tailored to your organization's needs.

Osborne Engineering, Inc.
P.O. Box 31189
San Francisco, CA 94131-0189

Telephone: 415-282-7275
Fax: 415-282-7375

Contact OEI for additional information on these services.

Site design by Sara Jane Osborne, Ph. D.

Last updated 6 June 2001
© Copyright 2000, Osborne Engineering, Inc.
All rights reserved